Privacy policy


According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (c.d. GDPR) and Dlgs 196/03 and s.m.i., FIEG srl, VAT number 05146270821, data controller, with registered office in Palermo in via Riccardo Wagner no. 8, informs that it processes the personal data of the interested party (customers, suppliers, employees), both by automated means and by paper, in an ethical and transparent way, only for lawful purposes and in order to safeguard the privacy and rights concerned. The treatment is for the following purposes:

a) for the execution of the accommodation contract at the “Residenza Wagner” landlord. In particular, to obtain and confirm the booking of accommodation and other services and in order to provide such services as requested by the interested party. This treatment is necessary for the definition and execution of the Contract which constitutes the legal basis of the processing and therefore pursuant to art. 6 of the GDPR, the consent of the interested party is not required. Processing will cease once the check-out has been completed, although some of the personal information may (or in some cases, must) continue to be processed for the purposes and in the manner described below;

b) for the purposes of compliance with the “Law on public safety” (Article 109 Royal Decree 773, 18/6/1931). This rule requires that all the interested parties (even minor ones) staying at our “Residenza Wagner” are identified and that the identification data of our guests are transmitted to the State Police, for reasons of public safety, in the manner established by the Ministry of Internal (decree of 7 January 2013). The sending of data is mandatory and does not require the consent of the interested party.

c) for the management of administrative obligations (including the statistical ISTAT detection of attendance), legal, accounting and tax, in accordance with the provisions of law or regulation in force; For these purposes, consent is not required. The personal data are processed by FIEG srl and its controllers and are disclosed outside the company, exclusively, for the obligations required by law to the credit institutions (for making or receiving payments), to the companies of insurance (for any liability for damages), to professionals (accountants, labor consultants, tax advisors, accounting consultants, legal advisors). The data acquired for these purposes are processed for the period of time required by current Italian legislation (10 years – or more, in the case of tax audits);

d) for the protection of persons, property and company assets, using a video surveillance system installed in the common areas of the “Residenza Wagner”, which are duly identified by the signs. The consent is not required for such processing because it is conducted in compliance with the legitimate interest of FIEG srl to safeguard people and property against potential violence, theft, robbery, damage and vandalism. The recorded images are normally deleted after 24 hours, with the exception of holidays or other days when the activity is closed; the images are never stored for more than a week. These images are not subject to disclosure to third parties, with the exception of what is required to satisfy a possible specific investigation request by the security authorities of the Italian State or Magistrature.

e) initiatives of commercial information and direct marketing by Fieg srl, as well as for the purpose of sending commercial proposals related to services provided by the same or services provided by the same through commercial partners. Personal data will be processed by Fieg srl​​for a maximum period of 10 years.

As an interested party to the processing of data, the interested party may, at any time, contact FIEG srl (VAT number 05146270821), the data controller, at the address of his office, in via Riccardo Wagner n. 8 – Palermo or pec: [email protected], in order to exercise, among others, the rights of access and request for copying, rectification, cancellation, limitation or opposition to the processing of data, as well as the right to portability , in the case of automated processing, when and to the extent that this is applicable (Articles 15-22 of EU Regulation No. 679, 2016). It is also possible to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority for the protection of personal data, according to the procedures established pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR.

The processing of the data requested in points a), b), and c) is strictly connected to the execution of the accommodation contract, any opposition to the treatment will make it impossible to fulfill the related services and in particular we will not be able to confirm booking or providing the requested services.

The processing of the data requested in point e) is completely optional and subject to the consent of the interested party.